Be Boundless

Health & Wellness Coaching

Health & Wellness Coaching

Looking back, I was born to be a coach. While growing up I wanted to help people heal and find equilibrium in their lives. I was on a mission to become a psychiatrist or psychologist. Instead, I ventured into the legal field and became an attorney.

During my 10+ years in the legal field, I experienced first-hand the systems that throw us off-balance, force us to seek guidance outside of ourselves, and place us in survival mode. I also developed my communication and many other skills, as well as a desire to pursue her purpose.

While in the legal field, I became a Certified Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2015. Just before the 2020 pandemic, I left corporate America and stepped out on my ‘yellow brick road,’ having no idea where this new path would lead.

In 2020, I launched my coaching practice, and in 2021 I became a Reiki practitioner. I am constantly reminded of my soul’s mission to coach people on how to live and work in resonance with their Spirit, heal from the trauma of living in survival mode, and thrive.

In 2022, I wrote my first book, Thriving Through Chaos.

My goal is to encourage my clients to embrace and trust their inner guidance.

I coach spiritual humans who are dissatisfied with their lives to enlighten, empower and inspire
them to heal, reveal their true potential, and use their innate gifts, talents and abilities to thrive
in one-on-one and group sessions by telephone and Zoom and/or in person.
I see a future populated by spiritual humans who remember that true fulfillment and work-life balance comes from being spirit-led, and who understand that their innate gifts, abilities and talents as healers and creators are more than novelties and coincidences meant to be used for side hustles and hobbies.

My goal is for my clients to embrace and trust their inner guidance, and remember that this trust along with using their innate gifts, talents and abilities will bring them true work-life balance, success, abundance, ease and clarity.

I’m Waiting To Help You

Get in touch with me today and let’s start transforming your health and wellness from the ground up.


My goal is to encourage my clients to embrace and trust their inner guidance.

I can help you to:

  • Achieve your health, wellness and other goals;
  • Optimize your nutrition by making simple adjustments;
  • Learn how to meditate;
  • Find out what your soul is here to learn;
  • Identify and begin to heal childhood traumas that are affecting your life;
  • Manage stress;
  • Heal your chakras;
  • Learn how to thrive despite life’s challenges;
  • And so much more.

Free Initial Consultation

Every person deserves a fighting chance at success, and that’s regardless of your past or current situation.